Wednesday, April 21, 2010

my ego
that's me,i guess.

It was a formal day for me as i'm having duty for SLA Fiesta at SA booth.(:
Woke up earlier as i needed a lot of thing to prepare etc..
The whole class WOW-ed when they saw me! LOL!
And you know what? i'm having lab session today.(:
Cool uh? Wearing Formal in a lab doing circuit analysis again? hahaha!
Got to learn a lot of things about the equipments today!
whabiang eh,is like 3days all about circuits! thank god,he's guiding me and i'm improving.((:
But today faci was a naggy one!
He like to repeat himself and the way he talk is like story telling.. damm SLOWWW! hehs.

Equipments which i'll be using most of the time in this 2years!
Thanks to evan,i got this photo! hah!

Baby's finally came school with ahbok to fetch me after my duty!
After so many dayssssss~ hehehe!
Then off to Safra for bowling with my formal and that's why i'm blogging now! :D
Gonna go eat Yakun with Nicole luh! byeeeee!(:

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