Tuesday, August 12, 2008

relieved! i've finally done with the typing of QNS! :D
& i didn't attend class all because of THIS!
*sighs,feel so dumb! :/
Prelims are round the corner!!
i'm starting to feel so damm stress. :(
anw,met up with peiling in the night to study.
she packed dinner from her home for our dinner.
thanks love! i really love home cooked food.((:
& at 4am we had pratas for supper.
i had a sudden craving for that.hahas!
we spent the remaining hour chatting
and also to do my stuffs till morning 5.30am!
finally train is operating! yeah. :D
home sweett home! x3

went out with peiling for laksa during lunch time.
then followed by her house,to get my stuffs.
thanks for helping me to get the shower cream& 豆沙饼.
and i hurried rushed home again.
cause i've got to type out those qns.
ohman,i haven even started lahs! -.-
manage to complete at least 1 set before goin out again.
3 more sets to go. :/
met felix and mum for movie.
& i'm watchin Money no enough 2 AGAIN! hahas.
is like less than 2days and i'm watchin it again. -.-
but still, i laughed and cried like one kind.hehs!

i'm really glad that i can watch this with mum.(:
i can see more tears,than laughter from you.
hoping you will make the right decision in life too.
i know it hurts,but that's part of life.
so we must treasure what we are having right now ya?
iloveyoo mummy! (:
&for felix,i feel the pain and lost from the show.
but maybe all this is too late for me to be tearin about?
which i've alr decided to put an end to all this.
i'm sorry,but seriously if we'll to be tgt.
that's the song which i wanted to let you hear so much.
is all too late. :(

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